Women’s Self Defense: Adults & Teens (15+)

Forma Gym, Walnut Creek - Indoor Group Fitness Studio -
1908 Olympic Blvd, Walnut Creek, CA, United States

Women’s Self Defense & Personal Safety (15+, or by exception). Adult Women and Teen Girls (15+) build self-confidence and learn real world "practical self-defense" and "risk mitigation" skills to use against sexual assault and/or abduction in this 3-hour Women's SelfDefense workshop at Forma Gym in Walnut Creek. Sttreetwise Classes prioritize boosting self-confidence while also teaching


Women’s Self Defense: Adults & Teens (15+)

Forma Gym, Walnut Creek - Indoor Group Fitness Studio -
1908 Olympic Blvd, Walnut Creek, CA, United States

Women’s Self Defense & Personal Safety (15+, or by exception). Adult Women and Teen Girls (15+) build self-confidence and learn real world "practical self-defense" and "risk mitigation" skills to use against sexual assault and/or abduction in this 3-hour Women's SelfDefense workshop at Forma Gym in Walnut Creek. Sttreetwise Classes prioritize boosting self-confidence while also teaching


Women’s Self Defense: Adults & Teens (15+)

Forma Gym, Walnut Creek - Indoor Group Fitness Studio -
1908 Olympic Blvd, Walnut Creek, CA, United States

Women’s Self Defense & Personal Safety (15+, or by exception). Adult Women and Teen Girls (15+) build self-confidence and learn real world "practical self-defense" and "risk mitigation" skills to use against sexual assault and/or abduction in this 3-hour Women's SelfDefense workshop at Forma Gym in Walnut Creek. Sttreetwise Classes prioritize boosting self-confidence while also teaching

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